Reference detail

The town Vysoké Mýto

Bodywork museum, Vysoké Mýto
Realization date
october 2012 - april 2014
8 000 000 Kč
Vysoké Mýto

Last week the contract Museum Bodywork was successfully handed over to the investor. The contract included complete electrical installations for the reconstruction of the building complex of the former old town hall (the court) and the jail which will now serve for the needs of the museum. In the new building there will also be an information center, a banquet hall and a municipal gallery. The courthouses and the jail are connected by a glass built-in in which automobiles will be exposed. A part of the courthouse will be taken by the city gallery. The museum will present poeple the bodywork development which is highly connected with the town Vysoké Mýto. Right here there used to be the bodywork factory Sodomka.

Cobap Ltd. implemented complex high-voltage distribution systems, a lightning protection, grounding, indoor and outdoor lighting, structured cabling with active elements, a supply of fiber-optic cables, distribution STA. Furthermore the company implemented a security system, an electronic fire alarm system connected to PCO, a camera system, presentation equipment, system and audio-visual integration, powering of emergency lights from UPS.

The whole building (especially the lights, windows, blinds) is controlled by an intelligent building management system.